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Saturday, June 9, 2007

Prayer for Hip Hop???

And be not confirmed to this world but be ye transformed by renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God

In the words of Carrie Underwood, " Jesus Take the Wheel." I don't know what to make of this. (source) I am conflicted. Part of me thinks that these are folks who are claiming to be people of God conforming to the world. I'm not proselytizing ( I'm a regular attendee of Bedside Baptist.) I put this quote up there because these folks are apparently Christian hip hop artists. WWJD? Would he pray for Hip Hop, or throw the money changers out of the temple? I am not so arrogant as to presume to know WWJD?

Here is a description of the event from their publicist.
A Prayer 4 Hip Hop”, in the making for two years, is poised to address the issues facing the Hip Hop generation today. “A Prayer 4 Hip Hop” is being produced by Life Media along with its national media partners Vibe Magazine and GospelCity.Com. In addition the concert providers have teamed up with the National Minority Quality Forum and its Test For Life campaign created to educate minorities on the importance of being tested for the HIV virus.

So again, I like the message of educating Black folk about getting tested for the HIV virus, but I don't know that Hip Hop can be healed. FYI, this event is taking place at a night club. Something about this just seems odd to me. SPEAK ON IT!

UPDATE: One of the visitors had this response to this post -"It is interesting that you find it weird that people who care about Hip-Hop would gather in a club, I find it strange that in a discussion of Black women and the urban community you would quote Carrie Underwood."

MY RESPONSE: I find it interesting that you find it interesting that I occasionally will catch wind of a Top 40 song that was played into the ground. That's like finding it interesting that I might quote that Celine Deon song from the movie Titanic. You can read the rest of my response in the comments. Keep it coming!