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Saturday, July 21, 2007

See What Happens When you Promote Blackface?

For those who don't think that blackface is a big deal, check out these UNICEF ads running over in Europe. IF UNICEF could get this wrong. imagine the carnage that would be caused with something like "Hot Ghetto Mess."

Sweet JESUS! It is not all fun and games people and they are not going to get our inside joke. Thank you AA Political Pundit for letting me post about something other than HGM. Its been like two weeks.

AA Political Pundit didn't just whine about these post on his blog, he contacted UNICEF! And guess what? They pulled the ads! Sound familiar? Folks I promise you it really aint that complicated. When an advertiser is confronted with pictures of their own stupidity, the sane ones admit a mistake and move on.

This is the POWER of Black bloggers in action. How many more of you need to be convinced that this is a new day in blogging activism in the African American community?