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Saturday, November 17, 2007

Foolishness Personified: Will Somebody Please Call Tyler Perry or Shonda Rhimes and Ask Them to Give Elise Neal a J-O-B

I am never shocked by King Magazine, they are being consistent with business plan which is to make money off the "BACKS" of Black women. Lost cause. But watching the decline of Elise Neal is just plain painful. I liked her characters on the "Hughleys" and on "All of Us". Y'all remember her from "Rosewood"? So when I saw THIS PHOTO over at BOSSIP, it just made me sad. (no I ain't pasting that picture on THIS site. Go over to Bossip to behold the foolishness.) I think this one of her taped to a chair like a kidnapping victim is just down right disturbing? Who come up with this and why would you want to play a role in this disturbed photo director's foolishness?

What would possess her to let them throw her in a bikini, slather her in baby oil and tie her up like a slave? Harriet Tubman and Sojourner Truth are just ticked off right about now. Unlike some folks who really can't act, Elise actually CAN, but she's intent on becoming the Black Elizabeth Berkley.

Elise walk towards the light sister. It still isn't too late, but if the rumors are true that you plan to play Superhead in the movie remake of "Confessions of a Video Vixen," you may be too far gone. Think "Show Girls" think "Glitter" - Career Killers.

"Paging Shonda Rhimes! Paging Shonda Rhimes! Elise Neal needs a J-O-B. Please hire her before she turns into Elizabeth Berkley"

Walk. Towards. The. Light! Money cannot be THIS tight!