Citoya Greenwood, the Dunbar Village resident who has been attempting to organize residents and lobby local government officials in hopes of improving living conditions there, contacted me today to let me know that the town hall meeting that has been discussed for a while will take place Monday, February 18, 2008 at 7:00PM across the street from Dunbar Village. Citoya has been working with a local representative from the National Action Network. Representatives from all levels of government will be there.
February 18, 2008
Roosevelt Full Service
1601 N. Tamarind Ave.
West Palm Beach Florida, 33407
Across the street from Dunbar Village
Scheduled to attend: A City Commissioner, A Housing Commissioner, A County Commissioner, Representatives from Alcee Hastins' office, Representative's from Pricilla Taylor's office, and a HUD Representative
Citoya will be joining us tomorrow at the beginning of the podcast, The Black Women's Roundtable at 8:00PM CST. We'll also be talking about Super Delegates, the Potomac Primary, and Black on Black Love. ONE HOUR ONLY!
Read most of our Dunbar Village posts here. Read our very first Dunbar Village post. Can y'all believe it has been 7 months since we started raising heyell?Here is a batch of links to our very first posts - I hadn't seen these in a while. You might also want to check the appearance on NPR when we talked about Dunbar Village.