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Thursday, March 6, 2008

In Case You Missed It: Rutgers Coach Vivian Stringer Was On Nightline

Vivian Stringer was on Nightline last night and she gave some behind the scenes perspectives from the past year.

Stringer all but willed her Rutgers team to pull themselves together and start winning. They made it to the Final Four and then found themselves playing Tennessee in that championship game. The Imus broadcast occurred the next day.
The outward image was that they were handling everything with grace under fire, but I don't think we had one inkling of the heartache Imus' "nappy headed hoes" comments caused in their personal lives. Like the personal shame that the young women on the team had to deal with. They had accomplished a great achievement, but some of their parents couldn't even look them in the eye when they talked about the game or reaching the championship after Don Imus' infamous comments. Watch video from the broadcast