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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

"When 'Nigga' Met 'Niggette': A Detroit 'Love' Story"---More Kwame Kilpatrick and Christine Beatty Texts Released

File this under too much time on my hands. I just got through reading an 18 page legal brief that contains MORE text messages between Christin Beatty and Kwame Kilpatrick that Detroit Free Press held back(ie, the most embarrassing ones). I suffered a bout of insomnia so I transcribed a couple of pages for y'all. You can read the entire thing here courtesy of the Detroit Free Press.

Excerpts from "When 'Nigga' met 'Niggette'"
My thoughts are in red

Page 9 -- Why Don't You Smile at Me like that?

Christine Beatty to Kwame Kilpatrick: "Are you on a date with your wife? Oooo I'm jealous. I'm a little too into you these past few days.

Lou Beatty to Christine Beatty:"How is your day? It's amazing how you can go out of town, come back refreshed and I immediately piss you off...You had an attitude until KK came over. Then you were smiling. Wish you smiled at me like that." [Poor Lou- He knew]

Page 10 -- One Day I'm Going to be Their Stepdad
Then Christine wants Kwame to see her baby before she takes the child to the dentist and Kwame later says "I may be their stepdad one day." -- They brought the kids into the foolishness.

CB:"My baby wanted to see you. I was just trying to make it happen before we went to the dentist"
KK:"Come on Momma"
CB: "Thanks for that"
KK: I enjoy that. I might be their stepdad one day
CB:Why might? What happened to "not yet"?
KK: The "might is on you"
CB: LOL Nigga, I already claimed it! KCK 2010. You told me that you would be my boyfriend everyday until I was your wife. Are you renigging?
KK:Hell no! Don't start none. Won't be none niggette! LOL
He later signs off with "My nigga! I love you, you know that."

Page 11- Christine becomes clingy.

This is actually kinda sad to read... but I will force myself to trudge on Page 12, more of Christine getting played

CB: Thinking about how hard you diss me, I still want to be in your arms, kiss you, hug you, love you. Listening to you speak and wishing you were my husband. No response needed to this[girl like he ever responds to your long winded text messages], but when [you] held me in your arms and looked me in the eyes and said I was your woman. All was right with the world. I love you.
KK: Damn! Thank you [Oh come on! she said all that and all he said was thanks!-]
CB: Can you promise me that I will always be that? [ Um "no" he can't seeing as how he already promised that to his wife, Carlita]
KK: You were my girl for as long as I can remember. I was too young and stupid to know [still stupid] I promise for the rest of my life you will be my girl. [as he goes home to his wife.]

Page 13
The following takes place during/after Christine divorces her husband. Note Kwame's respone at the end of her soliloquy

CB: Ahh. I'm about to cry. Thank you for that. You need to know that you are the man in my life that I depend on most [warning Christine, you are beginning to sound like a wife and not a mistress] Or should I have jut stopped at ' the man in my life'? I have an insecure thing going on with you right not and I know where it came from. Kind of started when you got back from your trip and I couldn't see you. TBc(to be continued)... Then we the separation thing with Lou and it really kicked in, and we had our conversation at Tom's it kind of escalated. When i told you started singing 'A Stranger's love," and I told you that you seemed that kind of man who be married to your wife forever, you kinda nodded like "yep". TBC.. I was really kind of trippin after that because of two reasons. I can't see living this way with us being 'secret' forever. [sound of Christine sealing her fate as the nonfuture Mrs. Kilpatrick] I love you so much and i want to tell somebody, someday![you just did]. (Smile). Secondly, this separation is really real and it kind of slapped 'lonely' in my mind... when you didn't some on Saturday until 3 hours later, that kind of just topped it off for me. So I'm sorry if I've been trippin. I could only two way this! I couldn't have said it to you personally! [and boy did you say it]

But wait y'all. Wait. Read Kwame's response to her five paragraph message..

KK: In this important and somewhat confusing time in your life, please know with all our hearts and soul that I love you and you will never, never be alon. TBC[to be continued]

Did that sound like a greeting card to y'all?

Page 14 - Reason and Necessity
The texts are not in chronological order in the document compare them about six months earlier cutting up.

KK to CB: Everything is cool. Did you get busted? You were kind of ___[I just couldn't force myself to type it. Fill in the blank] last night. inside and out. LOL
CB to KK: Oh, you got jokes? Actually I did get busted, which I was checking with you. I wanted to see if you had room on Leslie for me! LOL [she is talking about moving in with him in case she gets kicked out.]
KK: LOL LOL LOL! Not on Leslie but anywhere els eyou want to stay. LOL
CB: LOL, LOL! Dang, you wouldn't take me into your home? You told me the other day that you would do anything for me. What happened? [you actually might need something is what happened]
KK: LOL LOL LOL! Not the famous flip again. It's still anything! I should be with reason, necessity. If you really need to stay with me, it's on. In this case, we could find somewhere else.

Page 15- Why lord Why? -- The infamous DC Trip
CB to KK: I really wanted to give you some good ___ [again, unlike Christine I couldn't make myself type it- fill in the blank]this morning and I didn't know how to ask you to let me do it I have wanted to since Friday night when you asked me at the club.

Page 18- Till Death Do Us Part
CB to KK: I am madly in love with you too! More and more everyday! I can't believe how much more it grows. Is there a limit?
KK: not til death do us part.
CB to KK: Wow! I'll buy that. [boy did she ever]

I actually feel kinda sorry for them now. She almost had me cracking open my check book to contribute money to the Christine L. Beatty Legal Defense Trust. But instead I'll save my money to buy her a copy of "They Never Leave the Wife: The Memoir of a Mistress " or "Some Things Are Best Left Unsaid: Love in the Age of Texting."

I see two people living in a dream world. A fairytale. This was definitely fantasy land for Kwame and he never had any intention of leaving Carlita for Christine. In the back of her mind, she had to know that, but she still had hope in here eyes. Don't act like y'all didn't scrawl y'alls initials on a notebook combining you name with some boy you had a crush on... Most of us haven't done that as fully grown women, but you see my point. I would actually believe them if they said it was over in 2003 because she started to be more clingy and more of an emotional burden.. less fun.

Wake me when the criminal trial is over. The prosecutors will take care of any lying on the witness stand that took place. The voters, should he run, will issue their decision on whether they want this man to continue as their mayor. Beatty is already divorced. I hit my limit after this last batch. I have officially had enough. There will be no more LOL-ing or TBC about this here. ...SMH and LFOL -TTYL - if you don't know what I just said, you are a bad parent. GTG