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Thursday, May 29, 2008

We're podcasting Tonight! 8:00PM CST

Yes, I have heard your whining about the lack of podcasts for the last couple of weeks, but even Oprah Winfrey gets a vacation. We're back tonight with a action filled podcast scheduled. We are only going to be on for ONE HOUR!!! Period! That is it! To listen live, you can go to The Black Women's Roundtable over at Blog Talk Radio.

We have a lot of ground to cover. Our first guest will be former Congressman, JC Watts. He is the founder of The Black Television News Channel is a 24 hours news Black Television News Channel (BTNC), the nation's only African-American news network, scheduled to launch in 2009, in places such as Philadelphia, Chicago, Detroit, Washington, D.C., Atlanta and Baltimore.

He will be our guest at the top of the show for the first 15 minutes or so and then at the beginning of the 8:30 portion of our show, we MAAAY have another guest on to talk about a current uproar in the Black blogosphere. When I have confirmation of the appearance, I will let you know, but for ou political junkies, keep your eyes peeled.

Other possible Topics: Michelle Obama, DaddyDontWantMe.com, and whatever else pops up

One Hour Only

Callin Number 676-478-4750 or Join us in the chatroom.