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Monday, October 22, 2007

Speaking of the Power of Black Bloggers- Sandra Rose and TI

Sandra Rose has an interesting post up about TI's lawyers purportedly blaming her blog for TI not being released because the Judge read her blog.

Last Friday, I received a call from an Atlantic records exec who informed me that T.I.'s lawyers were discussing amongst themselves the fact that the judge read my blog and was "very angry" by what he read. The exec indicated that the judge may have been angry enough to alter his decision to release T.I. on house arrest last Friday. The exec asked me to "be more sensitive" about what I wrote regarding T.I. SANDRA ROSE

BWHAHAHA. Oh yeah right I can just see a US Magistrate trolling the Black blogosphere. Clifford Harris, Jr. is in jail because he was a convicted felon with an arsenal in his home. Black Bloggers can take credit for a WHOLE LOT in 2007, but come on. Maybe you ought to tell folks in TIs camp to STOP TALKING TO BLOGGERS! and while you are at it. Grab those two from the Jena 6 and tell them to stop posing for pictured on red carpets and at after parties until the final resolution of their cases.