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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Dunbar Village Video:"Answer the Call"

To follow up on our last video "Crickets " here is the latest Dunbar Village video entitled "Answer the Call" - Pointing out the NAACP's hypocrisy in their handling of the Dunbar Village gang rape. I have already thought about the concept for the next one. It involves a blue screen a megaphone shaped spaceship and Al Sharpton in a Star Fleet uniform. Let me know what you think.

In June of 2007, a horrific crime against nature and humanity happened in a place called Dunbar Village in West Palm Beach, FL. A single Black mother and her child were brutally attacked for three hours when teen African American teens invaded her home because she had reported "littering" around her apartment. They tortured and raped the woman and her son for three hours. Not a single neighbor came to their aid. The complex had no security despite a ridiculously high crime rate, the local government had ignore security issues while building luxury office buildings on the nice side of town, law enforcement wasn't sufficient...in other words, these poor Black women and children were left to rot and die.

When a group of concerned citizens contacted various African American leaders about the conditions at Dunbar Village, not a single on responded publicly. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People said that they would not become involved because Black on Black crime was not a part of their mission, yet 7 months later, the NAACP came out for the first time in the case, but not to speak about inhumane living conditions and out of control crime, but to call for the release of the four suspected gang rapists despite the sadistic nature of the crime. They didn't offer a single legal reason for the release and didn't comment on whether releasing the suspects would place the community or the victim in imminent peril.

The perpetrators of Black on Black crime are not the only ones that need justice, the victims of Black on Black crime need justice too!

Feel free to forward this video on to your local and state chapter of the NAACP. The world needs to know about their unconscionable behavior in West Palm Beach

Earlier Dunbar Village Videos
"Crickets" - Highlighting Al Sharpton's Hypocrisy on Dunbar Village
"Janjaweed in America"
jumpcut movie:Janjaweed in America

"Immoral Indifference"
jumpcut movie:Dunbar Village Trailer

Most Recent Dunbar Village Posts Regarding the NAACP and Al Sharpton's Reckless Attempt to Undermine the Dunbar Village Prosecution:

BLack Folks Get Ready to FIGHT! AL Sharpton to Speak Out in Defense of Dunbar Village Gang Rapist

Al Sharpton Wants Rapists and Torturers Roaming Your Neighborhood---NAACP and Sharpton Get Into It at Press Conference

Earliest Dunbar Village Posts

Where's the Outrage over Kelly? Genarlow Wilson? ( Yeah, I went there)- UPDATE Where's the Outrage Over the Florida Gang Rape???

Dunbar Village - RAZE IT TO THE GROUND AND SALT THE EARTH SO THAT NOTHING WILL GROW THERE! - How to Help.- Where in the World are the Rev's?

Maybe Black Women Should Be Pit Bulls in Our Next Life ---The Hypocrisy of Russell Simmons and Rev. Al

August 7, 2007 - National Day of SHAME- Black Leaders' Silence is Immoral- Call them on their CRAP!

National Week, Month, Year of Shame-" Immoral Indifference"- I'll be on NPR TodayJanjaweed in America.

How Do We Apply For UN Peace Keepers?- Immoral Indifference to Dunbar Village Continues.

Blacks 13% of Population 50% of Murder Victims -Background From West Palm Beach- How the Heck did Dunbar Village Happen?

Donating to the Dunbar Village Victim Assistance Fund- My "Wachovia Experience"

NAACP Contacts WADO- National Office Won't Be Speaking Out On Dunbar Village- Addressing Hate Crimes Against Black Women Not 'Mission'

A Call to ARMS!

The Five Stages of Grief-

The League of the Immorally Indifferent on Dunbar Village,Newark, Chauncey Bailey, Stepha Henry... I'm at Stage Two

Mayor of West Palm Beach - Talk About a Hot "Mess"- There is no Shame in Resignation